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Gay Valencia

El Mayor evento gay del calendario anual en Valencia!
Super Fallas Festival 2015

March 13-18, 2014, Club Deseo 54, six nights/ 6 fiestas -  international DJs, performances and go-go dancers - see website for all the details on each party night, plus media from past events:
Nit del Foc / Night of Fire
Las Fallas de Valencia 2015

March 15-19, 2015, grand finale Nit del Foc night of bonfires & fireworks with La Cremà, wraps up 2 weeks of mascletás (fireworks displays) at center. Tribute to St Joseph, displays of art, irony, satire & humor, giant contructions of figures in streets & squares all over the city, & beyond, parties, parades, fireworks daily.
From Madrid
SuperMartXé Fallas

March 18, 2015 at MYA Avenida del Saler 5, Valencia, with Dj Ab Garcia. Circuit party world tour, magic of Ibiza's golden years. World class DJs, performers, innovative productions, set designs, and stunning visual effects

A great annual spectacle
Alcoi/ Alcoy - Les Festes Moros i Cristians

April 25-27, 2015, Alcoi (Alcoy) between Valencia & Alicante. Moors & Christians mock battles each spring honoring Saint George. Elaborate costumes, lots of fireworks & gunpowder smoke for 4 days, most soldiers, even non-smokers, chomp on cigars. Parades, parties, pageantry. Easter celebrations may change the dates - check ahead with tourist office, phone 34 965-537-155
Midsummer's night bonfires
Valencia | La Revetlla de Sant Joan

June 21-23, 2015, Summer Solstice shortest night. Traditional pan-European bonfire night - all along Spanish coast. Huge good-natured crowds, mostly young, fill city beaches, leap fires, party all Saturday night, loud music on stage. In Javea, "Nit dels Focs Xàbia" celebrated with bonfires & "correfocs" + traditional music & drums in Old Town.
Festa de l'Orgull LGTB 2015
Pride Valencia | Orgullo LGBT

June 24-27, 2015 (to be confirmed) Annual exhibitions, films, shorts + concert; LGTB Village; Sunday Parade, Parque Parterre to Plaça de l'Ajuntament, via Colon, Xàtiva, Marqués de Sotelo. Wraps up a month of fairs, sports, culture, parties, protests, awards, club events.
“Bous a la mar”
Denia Festa Major 2015 - Bulls to the Sea

July 4-12, 2015 in Denia, on the coast, south of City of Valencia. “Festa Major a Sangre de Nuestro Señor” in Denia. Processions, parade floats, concerts, sardines & beer, fireworks. 9-days harborside bull run, runners chased by bulls jump into sea to escape; some bulls hit the water too.
International music, camping, film, theater, art, dance, comedy
Benicassim International Festival 2015

July 15-19, 2015, Benicassim, Castellón (N of Valencia), electro, pop, indie & rock music on stages through the night until 8am, then the crowd heads for nearby beaches to chill out. Eight days of camping. See the Fan site.
Requena wine festival
Fiesta de la Vendimia

August 19-30, 2015 - annual festival in the streets of Requena, a short train ride west from Valencia; booths with wine samples from the local vineyards. Locals of all ages parade the streets in costumes, dancing and singing.
Every last Wednesday in August
La Tomatina 2015

August 26, 2015, late morning, streets of Buñol, Valencia. Young, international crowd packed tight in narrow street, throwing tons of ripe tomatoes - shirtless, shoes lost/ripped off, everything pink, eye-stinging fun. Before & after drinking parties in park, streets, bars. Take train from Valencia. Allow plenty of time for return as trains fill up fast.
Festes de la Mare de Deu de la Salut
Algemesí | La Muixeranga

September 6-7, 2015, Algemesi, "gran Muixeranga" Mare de Deu de la Salut celebrations. Processions, human towers, dancers, performers. See photos/videos of previous events + 2014 updates, at their website. Training sessions can be seen at Casa dels Esports, carrer Nou del Convent, Algemesí, on Saturdays, 6-8:30pm.
Diada Nacional del País Valencià
Nou d'Octubre

October 9, 2015. Annual celebration of the entry of King Jaume I (James) into Valencia in 1238. Concerts at Palau de la Música; grand parades of thousands through city center, elaborate costumes of Moors & Christians, on foot & on horseback, fireworks displays.